Theme Properties

Note: these properties are likely to change often while we pin down which ones are required for theming.

Name Default Description
--element-margin 1.5rem The margin between elements.
--element-padding 2rem The padding within elements.
--border-radius 2px The border radius.
--border-color #d2d2d2 The border color.
--light-border-color #aaaaaa The light border color.
--icon-size 1.5rem The size of icons.
--font-size 1.4rem The base font size.
--font-size-small 1.1rem The small font size.
--font-size-large 1.7rem The large font size.
--font-size-title 1.6rem The font size for titles (e.g. in TabGroup and Accordion headers).
--line-height 1.4 The base line height.
--body-back-color #ffffff The background color of the body.
--body-text-color #222222 The text color of the body.
--light-back-color #fafafa A light back color.
--middle-back-color #e5e5e5 A middle back color.
--dark-back-color #888888 A dark back color.
--link-color #0265b7 The color of links.
--link-hover-color #0265b7 The hover color for links.
--button-back-color #ffffff The background color of buttons used in components.
--button-text-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) The text color of buttons used in components.
--button-hover-color #cccccc The hover color for buttons used in components.
--list-back-color #ffffff The background color of drop-down lists.
--list-text-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) The text color of drop-down lists.
--select-color #3396ff The select color of drop-down lists and buttons.
--select-text-color #ffffff The select text color of drop-down lists and buttons.
--focus-color #8fc5ff The color of focused inputs.
--active-color #ffa500 The color of active sections (e.g. in TabGroups and the NavBar).
--mark-back-color #ffff00 The background color of highlight marks.
--mark-text-color #222222 The text color of highlight marks.
--primary-color #ff0066 The primary color, which you can change to your brand color.
--primary-text-color #ffffff The text color of primary elements.
--primary-hover-color #cc0052 The hover color for primary elements.
--light-primary-color #fff2f7 The color of light primary elements.
--light-primary-text-color #c70050 The text color of light primary elements.
--light-primary-border-color #ff0066 The border color of light primary elements.
--info-color #4d90fe The info color.
--info-text-color #ffffff The text color of info elements.
--info-hover-color #0b67fe The hover color for info elements.
--light-info-color #f6f9ff The color of light info elements.
--light-info-text-color #0563fe The text color of light info elements.
--light-info-border-color #4d90fe The border color of light info elements.
--success-color #00a852 The success color.
--success-text-color #ffffff The text color of success elements.
--success-hover-color #008642 The hover color for success elements.
--light-success-color #eefff6 The color of light success elements.
--light-success-text-color #008340 The text color of light success elements.
--light-success-border-color #00a852 The border color of light success elements.
--warning-color #f3c42e The warning color.
--warning-text-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) The text color of warning elements.
--warning-hover-color #dba90d The hover color for warning elements.
--light-warning-color #fefcf5 The color of light warning elements.
--light-warning-text-color #b28a0a The text color of light warning elements.
--light-warning-border-color #f3c42e The border color of light warning elements.
--danger-color #ee2e24 The danger color.
--danger-text-color #ffffff The text color of danger elements.
--danger-hover-color #cb1910 The hover color for danger elements.
--light-danger-color #fef5f4 The color of light danger elements.
--light-danger-text-color #c6180f The text color of light danger elements.
--light-danger-border-color #ee2e24 The border color of light danger elements.
--confirm-color #3396ff The confirm color.
--confirm-text-color #ffffff The text color of confirm elements.
--confirm-hover-color #0077f5 The hover color for confirm elements.
--cancel-color #949494 The cancel color.
--cancel-text-color #ffffff The text color of cancel elements.
--cancel-hover-color #767676 The hover color for cancel elements.
--disabled-color #f2f2f2 The color of disabled elements.
--disabled-text-color #c2c2c2 The text color of disabled elements.
--header-back-color #fafafa The background color of the header.
--header-text-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) The text color of the header.
--header-line-height 4rem The line height of the header.
--footer-back-color #fafafa The background color of the footer.
--footer-text-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) The text color of the footer.
--footer-line-height 4rem The line height of the footer.
--nav-bar-item-back-color transparent The background color of a nav bar item.
--nav-bar-item-text-color #222222 The text color of a nav bar item.
--nav-bar-item-hover-back-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) The hover color for a nav bar item.
--nav-bar-item-hover-text-color #222222 The hover text color for a nav bar item.
--input-back-color #ffffff The background color of inputs.
--input-text-color #000000 The text color of inputs.
--input-height 3.2rem The height of inputs.
--input-width 32rem The width of inputs.
--label-text-color #777777 The text color of labels.
--label-width 16rem The width of labels.

Script Only

If theming via the Svelte Toolkit script, you can set some additional properties:

Name Default Description
--small-screen 480px The width of a small screen as used in media queries.
--medium-screen 760px The width of a medium screen as used in media queries.
--large-screen 1040px The width of a large screen as used in media queries.
--xlarge-screen 1320px The width of an extra-large screen as used in media queries.